mailingLeitner Slovakia – Energy price compensation
Newsletter – 12.12.2022
Dear Clients,
On 1 December 2022, the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic has published the expected call for compensations for high energy prices for business entities within the EU Temporary Crisis Framework. The application for compensation for electricity and gas prices can be submitted by all entities carrying out economic activity in the territory of the Slovak Republic, regardless of their size, with exception of financial and credit institutions.
Eligible period and amount of aid
Applications can be submitted for the months of August and September 2022. Beneficiaries can also be companies („undertakings“) in difficulties.
The subsidy is provided with the aim to cover the increased costs of natural gas and electricity. The amount of the aid depends on the amount of energy consumed and the price of the commodity. The subsidy will compensate for 80 % of the difference between the actual increased price of electricity and the sum of EUR 199/MWh. For gas, the actual price will be compared against the sum of EUR 99/MWh.
The maximum amount of aid is EUR 500,000 per company. In total, approximately EUR 360 million has been allocated for the subsidies.
Submission of applications
Applications for subsidies can be submitted exclusively in electronic form until 22 December 2022 via the portal.
We recommend preparing your electricity and gas invoices for the eligible period before lodging the application. Special attention should be paid to the correct filling of the application and the deadline.
If you have any difficulties, our experts will help you with your application and will be happy to assist you with any related accounting or tax questions.
Anna FábryováTax Advisor | Partner | ShareholderDetails zur Person
Peter SzabóAuditor | DirectorDetails zur Person