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News > Withholding Taxes How to deal with them?

Withholding Taxes How to deal with them?



10.00 - 11.30 o’clock


Beigli Hotel & Garden
Baštová 4

When making payments for services, interest, royalties, or dividends abroad and you are unable to prove the beneficial owner of that income, the income may be subject to withholding tax of 35 %. As the company paying the income is liable for any incorrect tax withheld, it is in the interest of a sustainable business to have this compliance process set up correctly.

What are you going to take-away from the seminar?

  • What payments could be subject to withholding tax?
  • When is withholding tax potentially payable?
  • How can you assess whether or not withholding tax is applicable?
  • What documents do you need from your business partner?
  • What are the risks if you do not fulfil your obligations?

– at the venue – Slovak

Registration: https://app.sli.do/event/ftVkPyKUpnkPvmqceWVQcC

Withholding Taxes-EN

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