JOBspoTT – work and career | Job Fair in Trnava 16.4.2024
09.00 - 14.00 o’clock
City Sports Hall, Rybnikova st. 16, Trnava
Rybníková 576/15
Restart your career with LeitnerLeitner! You can start your career in your 20s and 40s, full-time and part-time.
We invite you to join us at the LeitnerLeitner booth for coffee. Meet our team and learn more about LeitnerLeitner job openings and career opportunities.
We are currently looking for
- Tax Assistant
- Financial Accountant
- Payroll Accountant
- Assistant Auditor
- Legal Assistant
Are you a student or graduate looking for a job with a stellar career opportunity? We welcome not only university graduates but also high school graduates.
Leave a lasting impression ⭐ at the job fair and stop by our LeitnerLeitner stand!
More info at @Jobspott – práca a kariéra