Digitalisation and automatisation
The digitalisation and automatisation have, in the past years, resulted in a fundamental digital transformation. From the business perspective, the effect of these changes on existing and future structures is extensive.
In order to increase efficiency and profitability, digitalisation is a tool for application and process optimisation for all value-adding activities in the company. Digitalisation also supports corporate management and is a primary driver of corporate development when implemented in a company-specific manner.
Our in-depth understanding of processes in your business ensures the identification of possible digitalisation potential. Our significant experience enables high level of performance and process security.
Our services
- Digital-use-case analysis (Where does digital transformation actually create added value?)
- Digital transformation (strategy, action plan, prioritisation and implementation support)
- Process digitalisation and automation
- Home office and new office (on the safe side in terms of processes)
- Payroll and HR online portal
- Time and attendance online portal
- Annual Tax reconciliation self-service portal for employees
- Automated booking & payments
- Digital workflows, electronic invoicing, electronic archiving
- Processing of VAT returns, EC Sales Lists and Inland recapitulative statements through automated solutions
- Blacklist and Bank account check including VIES validator
- Processing of expatriate’s personal income tax returns and related statutory forms through automated solutions
- Self-service online portal for expatriates dedicated to working calendar